SwiftData CRUD Operations with ModelActor
In my previous articles, we explored how to:
- Create a Background ModelActor in SwiftData
- Handle Sendable Requirements in SwiftData using PersisentIdentifier
Now let's extend our Database type with robust CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations that maintain type safety and concurrency correctness.
The Problem with Raw ModelContext
As I was developing [Bushel], it became exhausting and error-prone to continue using withModelContext
especially as I was using the same common database operations over and over again. Consider this example:
let itemModel: Model<Item>
await database.withModelContext { modelContext in
guard let item = try modelContext.getOptional(itemModel) else {
item.timestamp = Date()
try modelContext.save()
Let's create a more elegant API that handles these common patterns.
Introducing the Queryable Protocol
The first step is to define a protocol (i.e. basic requirements) that describes our CRUD operations. We'll call this Queryable
public protocol Queryable: Sendable {
func save() async throws
func insert<PersistentModelType: PersistentModel, U: Sendable>(
_ insertClosure: @Sendable @escaping () -> PersistentModelType,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable (PersistentModelType) throws -> U
) async rethrows -> U
func getOptional<PersistentModelType, U: Sendable>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable (PersistentModelType?) throws -> U
) async rethrows -> U
func fetch<PersistentModelType, U: Sendable>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.List,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable ([PersistentModelType]) throws -> U
) async rethrows -> U
func delete<PersistentModelType>(
_ selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Delete
) async throws
This protocol defines our core CRUD operations with a few key design choices. All methods are async to support background execution or any call which may require async. Secondly we allow a return type by making it Sendable
and giving the developer the ability to map the PersistentModel
type to the Sendable
return type.
Understanding Selectors
You might notice our protocol methods take a Selector
type. This type provides a type-safe way to specify what data we want to operate on:
public enum Selector<T: PersistentModel> {
enum Get: Sendable {
/// Retrieve by Model reference
case model(Model<T>)
/// Retrieve by predicate condition
case predicate(Predicate<T>)
enum List: Sendable {
/// Fetch multiple items with sorting and filtering
case descriptor(FetchDescriptor<T>)
enum Delete: Sendable {
/// Delete items matching a predicate
case predicate(Predicate<T>)
/// Delete all items of this type
case all
/// Delete a specific model
case model(Model<T>)
The Selector
enum provides different ways to specify what we want to query:
- For fetching a single item:.model()
when you have a Model reference.predicate()
when querying by condition
- For fetching multiple items:- Uses
for complex queries with sorting and limits
- Uses
- For removing items:.model()
for a specific item.predicate()
for items matching a condition.all
to remove everything
Implementing Database Operations
Now that we understand Selectors, let's see how our Database type implements these operations:
extension Database: Queryable {
public func save() async throws {
try await withModelContext { try $0.save() }
public func insert<PersistentModelType: PersistentModel, U: Sendable>(
_ closure: @Sendable @escaping () -> PersistentModelType,
with transform: @escaping @Sendable (PersistentModelType) throws -> U
) async rethrows -> U {
try await withModelContext { context in
let model = closure()
return try transform(model)
// ... other implementations
Adding Convenience Methods
While the core protocol methods are powerful, we can add convenience methods to make common operations more ergonomic:
Model-Returning Methods
These methods return our Model
type, making it easy to maintain references:
extension Queryable {
public func insert<PersistentModelType: PersistentModel>(
_ closure: @Sendable @escaping () -> PersistentModelType
) async -> Model<PersistentModelType> {
await self.insert(closure, with: Model.init)
public func getOptional<PersistentModelType>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get
) async -> Model<PersistentModelType>? {
await self.getOptional(for: selector) { persistentModel in
Throwing Methods
Some operations should fail if the requested item doesn't exist:
public enum QueryError<PersistentModelType: PersistentModel>: Error {
case itemNotFound(Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get)
extension Queryable {
public func get<PersistentModelType>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get
) async throws -> Model<PersistentModelType> {
try await self.getOptional(for: selector) { persistentModel in
guard let persistentModel else {
throw QueryError<PersistentModelType>.itemNotFound(selector)
return Model(persistentModel)
public func get<PersistentModelType, U: Sendable>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable (PersistentModelType) throws -> U
) async throws -> U {
try await self.getOptional(for: selector) { persistentModel in
guard let persistentModel else {
throw QueryError<PersistentModelType>.itemNotFound(selector)
return try closure(persistentModel)
Void-Returning Update Methods
For updates where we don't need the return value:
extension Queryable {
public func update<PersistentModelType>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.Get,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable (PersistentModelType) throws -> Void
) async throws {
try await self.get(for: selector, with: closure)
public func update<PersistentModelType>(
for selector: Selector<PersistentModelType>.List,
with closure: @escaping @Sendable ([PersistentModelType]) throws -> Void
) async throws {
try await self.fetch(for: selector, with: closure)
Important Note About Temporary IDs
During the development of Bushel, I ran into an issue when I tried to link a new Library Image (ipsw) to its new library. The app would crash because the Model
I'd use contained a temporary ID. What was happening was that the newly inserted (but not saved) PersistentModel had a temporary ID until it was saved.
⚠️ Important: When you insert a new model, SwiftData assigns it a temporary ID for the PersisentIdentifier. This temporary ID cannot be used. After saving, you must re-query for the item using a field value (like a name or timestamp) rather than using the Model reference (which uses PersisentIdentifier), as the ID may have changed during the save process.
Here's the safe pattern for inserting and retrieving:
// Create with a known unique value
let timestamp = Date()
let newItem = await database.insert { Item(name: "Test", timestamp: timestamp) }
// IMPORTANT: New items have temporary IDs until saved
try await database.save() // Save to get permanent ID
// Don't use the original Model reference after save
// Instead, query using a unique field value
let item = try await database.getOptional(for: .predicate(#Predicate<Item> {
$0.timestamp == timestamp
I highly recommend Xu Yang's article on how identifiers work for more details.

Making SwiftData Safe and Ergonomic
By building on our previous work with ModelActor and Sendable types, we've created a robust, type-safe API for SwiftData operations that:
- Maintains concurrency safety through Sendable constraints
- Provides a clean, ergonomic interface for common operations
- Supports complex queries through type-safe Selectors
- Reduces boilerplate while maintaining type safety
This API makes it much easier to work with SwiftData in a concurrent environment while maintaining the safety guarantees that Swift provides. If you'd like to try this out or check out the full code, the repo for DataThespian is here. In the next article, we'll explore how to use own new CRUD API to syncronize complex PersistentModel